The Comanche’s lifestyle

In Comanche’s lifestyle: Imagine yourself being a Comanche Indian. What would you be doing right now?

Have you ever wondered how a Comanche Indian spends his/her day?

Comanche people do different things. The activity that a Comanche does in a day heavily depends on what their gender is. Gender plays a huge role in determining the activity of a Comanche, as men and women fulfill different tasks.

Men are more into hunting and gathering, while woman are the ones left in the village, tending to her children and watching over the livestock.

Here is a more detailed analysis of the daily activities of the Comanche, separated between men and women:

Comanche’s lifestyle

Comanche’s lifestyle: Men

A male Comanche’s day is determined by two events: war, and hunting. Most of the time, male Comanche spends the rest of his day hunting and looking for food to return to his people.

A male Comanche’s day starts as early as dawn. Some Comanche’s who are on patrol do not even sleep for the rest of the night, as they are tasked to patrol and watch over the village during the night.

A typical male Comanche wakes up and immediately tends to his horse. Comanche’s are very typical when it comes to the horse. They treat is the same way they treat humans. They pretty much associate their horses with severe sentimentality. The first thing they do is to determine if their horse has enough food. Feeding your horse is extremely vital since the energy of the animal will determine the success of a Comanche’s hunt later on.

The next thing a male Comanche does is gathering their hunting weapons. These weapons comprise of bow and arrow, and an ax as a sidearm.

Comanche Food

When the sun starts to peak, the Comanche eats a small amount of food before beginning to gather together to commence the hunt. Comanche’s hunt in packs. They have acquired this strategy studying wolves.

For the rest of the day, the male Comanche would hunt, hunt, and hunt some more, until the day ends and they would return to their village to let the women cook their preyed animals.

Comanche’s lifestyle: Women

A female Comanche’s day is a lot simpler and straightforward. A female Comanche’s day begins the same as her husband’s. She will help her husband get ready for his day, just like a typical wife helping his husband get ready for work. Female Comanche’s prepare food for their husband to eat. When their husbands have gone for the hunt, they begin their work. Most Female Comanche’s do weaving, taking care of children and watching over them, as well as cook the beast that the male Comanche was able to catch. Their daily routine is pretty simple and easy.

Comanche’s lifestyle

As you all have learned, the male and female Comanche’s have different tasks and duties to fulfill. All of their activities center around hunting for food and cooking once it has been brought back to the village. Simply put, the Comanche’s lifestyle before was pretty simple and direct.

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