Significant Events in American History

Special events in a country make up history. Each and every country has gone through certain special events which changed the past as well as the present situation of the country. There are certain situations which shape the future of the country as well as of the people. Some of the Significant Events in American History are very much significant while the others are of less significance. People usually remember those incidents which brought a bigger change to the country. There are various significant events in American history.

Significant Events in American History

Significant Events in American History

The first event in history which was responsible for introducing America to the world is the discovery of this country. Christopher Columbus was the man who was behind this successful expedition.

Later in America had many other significant events which were crucial for the history of the country. Among the significant events in American history, the most important one is the American war of independence. The American war of independence started in the year 1775 and went on till 1783.

This revolution was the result of the colonization of America by the British people. The people wanted to make themselves free from the clutches of the colonizers.

This event was led by George Washington who even became the first president of independent America which was also an important event in the history of this country. American history events took place one after the other and they were responsible for creating which is present today.

Important Events in World History

The American war of independence was not only an important event in the history of this country but also for other countries who were serving as colonies of the British Empire. The next American history events which also created a stir in the country were the world wars.

The World War 2 had greater effects on America because it was directly involved in this war. In the beginning, America just supported one of the allies in which China was included but later on in the year 1941 America entered the war militarily.

The American civil war is also one of the significant events in American history. This incident took place in the year 1861 and lasted till 1865.

This civil war of America was the first as well as the last of its kind. At least six hundred thousand people are said to have lost their lives. The creation and working of the constitution were also one of the significant events in American history.

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