Major Events In American History

Listed below are a few of the important and major events in American history:

American Revolution

The establishment of America as a nation all its own occurred from 19 April 1775 to October 1781. Hostilities were required because the British considered the Thirteen Colonies nothing more than another exclave of the global British Empire, and King George wanted the lion’s share of all the Colonies’ wealth. America’s Founding Fathers had had enough, and when 8 Minutemen were killed on Lexington Green, the fight was on. When Washington combined all his American forces with those of the French of Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de Lafayette, Cornwallis could not overcome them. When he surrendered, The United States of America became a nation all its own.

Major Events In American History

Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution changed the course of human history. The United States used the power of this revolution to catapult itself into a world superpower.

War of 1812

The War of 1812 has sometimes been called the Second War of Independence and was fought between the United States and Great Britain. During the war, Washington D. C. was taken over, and President Madison was forced to flee. The war ended in 1815 essentially restoring the status quo between the two countries

Vietnam War

The Vietnam War was a decade-long check-in at the Reality Hotel in America. Until Vietnam, it was assumed the United States could shape foreign policy in any way it wished, and in any place it wanted. The war changed our outlook on the world and made Americans realize there WAS a global community – and that we would have to make policy decisions within that framework.

Great Depression

The effect of the Great Depression was huge across the world. Not only did it lead to the New Deal in America but more significantly, it was a direct cause of the rise of extremism in Germany leading to World War II.

Black codes

Black Codes was a name given to laws passed by southern governments established during the presidency of Andrew Johnson. These laws imposed severe restrictions on freed slaves such as prohibiting their right to vote, forbidding them to sit on juries, limiting their right to testify against white men, carrying weapons in public places and working in certain occupations.

Destruction of world trade center

The current global generation’s “JFK moment” took place on September 11, 2001, a Tuesday morning, when Islamic extremists indoctrinated (brainwashed) by Osama bin Laden hijacked 4 commercial passenger jets and deliberately flew them into major American landmarks. The plane crashes instigated a decade-long, ongoing “war on terror,” and played a substantial role in the global economic downturn.

Liberia settlement

The project was opposed by Richard Allen and James Forten of the Convention of Color. Instead of repatriation of Africa, the organization argued for the settlement of escaped black slaves in Canada. The first group of black colonists set sail for Liberia in 1820. Over the next ten years over 1,400 people settled in the colony. Despite intensive propaganda campaigns, only about 15,000 people left America for Liberia

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