The Use of Native American Flutes

The Native American flutes are perhaps the second most important instrument of the Native Americans following the drums. The Native Indian people played flutes according to the written accounts of the earliest colonists and explorers. Sadly, there were no descriptions or pictures of Native American flutes on these written accounts. There were probably many different kinds of flutes used by the Native Indians as confirmed by archaeologists and other evidence.


What is the native American flute called

The Native American flutes were previously known as the “two-chambered duct flutes”, an invention unique to North America. The two-chamber duct flute had a slow air chamber at one end which catches the air blown by the user. The other duct or channel conducts the air from the chamber towards the splitting edge where the air is directed into the sound chamber of the flute. A hard part of the flute separates the two chambers.

The materials used in making flutes varied in each tribe. It depended on the resources available in the tribe’s location but most flutes were made of bones, woods, canes, or red stalks. The construction of Native American flutes is based on the body measurements of the maker. Usually, the measurement of the flute is from the tip of your index finger to the inside of the elbow. The distance between the first hole and the whistle was the size of the fist while the distance in between holes was the distance of the knuckles.

History of the Native American flutes

Native American Flutes

There are many stories about the discovery and creation of the Native American flutes, or whether it was given to Native people. One story tells of the wind, branch and a woodpecker while the other one is a young Native American man wanting to get the attention of a young woman.

Flute Society

The Hopi tribe had organized a group known as the flute society. The Flute Society members of Hopi tribe used the flute for healing purposes and ceremonial events. Probably the other Native American Tribes also had the same connections to the flute. These early traditions usually limit the use of flutes to native men which has changed throughout the years.

At present times, Native American flutes are known all over the world because of the pleasure it gives to the people. Native American flutes are beautiful, wonderful, and magical. Native American style flutes are more satisfying for beginners compared to the usual flutes.

Because of its distinctive sound and used in world music recordings, the Native American flute has reached its fame and popularity. Originally, the instrument was very personal. It was played with no accompaniment during courtship, meditation, healing, and spiritual practices. Today, it can be played along with other musical instruments or even vocals whether for Native American music or other styles. The two different kinds of Native American flute are the woodlands flute and the plains flute, each made quite different from the other. Also the art of Native Americans.

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