Native American Art

One of the fascinating things about Native American Indians was and is, their Art. American Art was expressed in almost everything they made or, as a medium all unto itself. From the homes they lived in, to the clothes they wore, from the blankets they used to keep warm to the baskets they wove to store and carry things, all were adorned with skilled and beautiful artwork. Whether it was an item for day to day use or, a sacred item used in Rituals, art was a key element in their construction. Art was fundamentally a part of Indian life.

Native American Art of Carvings and Sculpture

Native Americans Art included some of most unique wood carvings found anywhere in the world. The Totem Poles made by Indians of the Northwest are a good example of the elaborate wood carvings and sculpture that was a part of their culture. They were made from tree trunks some 20ft. Tall, carved from top to bottom with figures of animals, birds, or strange faces representing their history or, to honor their Gods. Some Tribes such as the Iroquois, Hopi, Navajo, and others carved Masks that were indeed works of art. Most often they were used in religious ceremonies like the Shamanic rituals of the Yup’ik. Other Tribes created beautiful figurines sculpted from wood, clay, animal bone or Walrus Ivory as well as stone. Even Leather and SnakeSkin were used in sculpture to create their art.

Native American Art of Weaving

The intricate patterns, pictures, and symbols incorporated into their weaving techniques have become famous because of their beauty and quality. This was employed in many different weave products. Of particular notoriety is their basket weaving and blankets, they have become valuable and highly sought-after works of art.

Native American Art

Native American Art of Pottery

Whether it was clay or ceramics, Native American Indian Art expressed itself in this medium as well. As was the case with most ancient cultures this became the perfect object to be adorned with beautiful artwork. Especially the Tribes of the Southwest and Southeast excelled in creating noteworthy pottery decorated with art of all kinds. It might be used to tell a story, or record events in their history, honor their deities, or just to look beautiful. Either way, the skill in the artwork incorporated was spectacular.

Native American Art of Painting

Regardless of what the canvas happened to be, the painting was an intricate part of Native American life. Animal Hides became a common canvas for painting beautiful works of art because they could be easily cared for and transported. Their homes such as Wigwams, Tee Pee’s and Adobes were covered with works of art. Even the land itself became a canvas such as the remarkable Sand Paintings of the Navajo’s and other Southwestern Tribes. The walls of caves and large monolithic Stones are some other examples of places they used to create an artful painting. Fortunately, there is a Native Americans Art Gallery on many of their reservations, helping to preserve and to display the many different ways Indians expressed themselves through art.

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