Famous Indian Chiefs

The history of Native Americans has created a long list of famous Indian chiefs. Native Americans have fought many battles throughout their history. They were led by remarkable Indian chiefs with unique Indian chief names. The different native chiefs discussed in here have brought prestige to their different clans because of their superb battle and strategic skills. These famous American Indian chiefs were highly respected not just by their own people, but even the neighboring lands. It also adds that they carry weird but worthy to be famous Indian chief names.

Native Americans were prone to conflicts in the past as they try to protect their territories, and to acquire new ones. Their famous battles are usually those against the US Cavalry. The Native American Indian chiefs provided the warriors with the leadership that brought them many victories, and many deaths as well. Through this article, you will notice that the great Indian Chiefs somehow have unusual Native American chief names, which makes it easier for them to be remembered.  Native American names are usually hard to remember. For reference, this article also provides pictures of famous Indian chiefs.

Famous Indian Chiefs – Sitting Bull

Famous Indian Chiefs - Sitting Bull
Famous Indian Chiefs – Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull was an Indian chief of Hunkpapa Lakota. Aside from being a famous Indian chief, he was also a medicine and holy man. His main contribution as a native chief is the victory in the Battle of Little Bighorn. In this battle, he defeated General Custer. The said battle entails the American general having around 700 soldiers. The victory was said to be brought by Native Indian Chief Sitting Bull’s premonitions which turned out to be true. Sitting Bull, one of the weirdest chief Indian names. was the shortened term for Buffalo Bull Sits Down, which is the meaning of his original name?

Famous Indian Chiefs – Crazy Horse

Famous Indian Chiefs - Crazy Horse
Famous Indian Chiefs – Crazy Horse

Crazy Horse was a visionary Native American Indian chief. His skills as a fighter became evident even when he was still young. He had his first war party before he was twenty, and he was the leader at that. As a Native American chief, his main goal was the preserving of their traditions. He was known for pursuing enemies relentlessly even if others have already surrendered. He strongly denied surrender even before his death. Evidently, the chief has one of the weird Indian chiefs names. It was said that he got this because of how wild he was in riding a horse.

Famous Indian Chiefs – Bigfoot

Famous Indian Chiefs - Bigfoot
Famous Indian Chiefs – Bigfoot

Bigfoot was a famous chief who led a group that is a great believer in the Ghost Dance. He led his people away from the Standing Rock reservation, away from the growing uprising. His tribe moved in peace, with him even carrying a white flag. Unfortunately, they were pursued by soldiers and the whole group was massacred in the Wounded Knee Creek, with the American Indian chief being one of the first who died. He was one of the few American Indian chiefs who were less inclined to violence.

Famous Indian Chiefs – Geronimo

Famous Indian Chiefs - Geronimo
Famous Indian Chiefs – Geronimo

Geronimo was one of the Native American Chiefs who was also a medicine man. He was a Native American chief of the Apache tribe. He was a chief Native American that was highly aggressive, courageous, and thinks highly of the values being held by the tribe. He was feared by the people of Arizona and New Mexico. He had helped in fighting the US Army for 25 years as the latter tried to raid their reservation. He was the famous Native American chief that led the one last great Native American uprising.

Famous Indian Chiefs – Red Cloud

Famous Indian Chiefs - Red Cloud
Famous Indian Chiefs – Red Cloud

As one of the famous Indian Chiefs, Red Cloud was both a warrior and a statesman. He was known for directly fighting against the American government. His victory against one of his uncle’s greatest rival resulted in the divide of the Oglala. He was known for his victories against Pawnees, Crows, Utes, and Shoshones. He was also the one who led the greatest war against the United States and won. It was during the creation of the forts in Boseman Trail which result in the creation of the Fort Laramie Treaty.

Famous Indian Chiefs – Gall

Famous Indian Chiefs - Gall
Famous Indian Chiefs – Gall

Among the many Native Americans chiefs names, the account of how Chief Gall got he is one of the most amusing. He got it when he almost ate the gallbladder of the animal he was hunting because of too much hunger. He became under the leadership of two famous Native American Chiefs: Red Cloud and Sitting Bull. His main contribution was his leadership of the warriors to the Battle of Little Bighorn.

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