Cheyenne American Clothing

The Cheyenne Indians were used to wearing clothing and shoes that were made from elk, deer, or buffalo skin. This had porcupine quills and shells that were used as ornaments to further elaborate their rank and status in the Cheyenne society. The Cheyenne American Clothing was also focused on the idea of pride and honor, as they used the Animal teeth and small bits of bone that they hunted as ornaments to their clothing. They used this as necklaces, bracelets, and even piercings.

Cheyenne American Clothing

Popular Cheyenne American Clothing

The most popular Cheyenne American Clothing is deerskin due to the light, soft, and flexible feature that it has. It was also very effective in insulating the Cheyenne people in the winter months. The women were also used to wearing long deerskin dresses, while the men had buckskin breechcloths that they used to make their shirts. The Cheyenne type of clothing was more on the balance in practicality and style.

When men went to war, they wore a specifically designed war shirt that they got from other American Indian tribes of the Great Plains. While in the winter months, they mostly wore an added pair of leggings and a thick coating of animal fur. This helped keep them warm especially at night where the temperature would plummet to 5 to 10 degrees Celsius.

Cheyenne American Clothing

Customary for Women

It was customary for women to wear tall leather boots, while the men had moccasins worn on their feet. Fringed clothing was also the trend of Cheyenne Indian society, as well as with other Indian tribes. This was effective in swatting away flies because the fringes would sway together with the wind. An example of this is lashing an arrow. With the help of this, they could easily use the fringes of their clothing to lash it down. It is made for convenience and practicality.

In the American Indian society, specifically the Cheyenne tribe, the women were the ones who were responsible for making the clothes that were worn by their fellow tribesmen. Most of the items were woven from deerskin, specifically buckskin, as well as the buffalo skin. They also used paint, porcupine quills or beadwork to further decorate and ornate their clothing.

It was also a necessity for the men and women to wear elaborate necklaces and armbands on their bodies. Men were comfortable in wearing breechcloths, fringed buckskin tunics or shirts.

Buffalo robes and cloaks that are made from buffalo skin were also worn to protect them from the rain and the cold. They usually shift their type of clothing during the winter months and shift back to a warmer and lighter set of clothes and ornaments when summer arrives. It is a symbol for the elders of the Cheyenne society to wear Cheyenne clothing in the form of wore beaded, long feathered war bonnets that are ornate with eagle feathers. This symbolized courage, honor, and success.

The women were more on wearing knee-length dresses as well as leggings. This showed their femininity and conservative nature. It is important to know that Cheyenne clothing is matched with Cheyenne hairdressing. The women had hair that is divided in two, thick braids which were ornamented with beads.

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