Cayuse Indian Tribe Facts and History

The Cayuse Indian tribe were associated with other neighboring tribes such as the Walla Walla and Nez Perce. The tribe was a nomadic tribe meaning they traveled within their territory which started at heads of the Grande Ronde, Umatilla, and Walla Walla Rivers and went all the way to the Blue Mountains and into what is now known as the Deschutes River in Oregon and Washington.

Cayuse Indian Tribe

This tribe bred their own horses for endurance and speed, making the tribe well known for horsemen as well as brave. This tribe was often at war with smaller tribes especially those known as the Snake People.

White settlers began moving into the area in 1842 and in 1847, the tribe contracted measles which caused many of the tribe to die. Missionaries also died from measles as they were not accustomed to the European disease, however, to the Cayuse, the white man was the cause. The tribe attacked the missionaries and captured 54 American-European children and women which they held for ransom. Of course, this brought armed troops of the United States to attack the Cayuse tribe. After a while, the tribe lost the battle and forced to a reservation in which they shared with the Walla Walla and Umatilla tribes.

Cayuse Indian

Cayuse Language

Finally, in 1855, the Cayuse agreed to a treaty with the Walla Walla and the Umatilla. This began a male from one tribe marrying a woman from another tribe and vice versa. In 1904, there were only 404 pure blooded Cayuse and by 1902 there was only one remaining. Their language since they were combined with the other tribes vanished and at this time, there is no pure blood Cayuse alive today.

How the Tribe Lived

Mentioned above the tribe were nomadic, but in some cases, they were known to move on a daily basis. Their homes were teepees, as they were easily portable. The males of the tribe hunted buffalo on horseback to supply the tribe with meat as well as fish for other game and salmon.

Cayuse tribe Clothing

The women of the tribe dug and processed roots, gathered berries and processed animal skins for creating clothing and shelter.

Food Source

As mentioned above, the Cayuse Indian tribe ate berries, buffalo, and small game such as deer, fowls, and rabbits. However, their main food source since they often camped close to the Columbia River was salmon.

Famous Cayuse Indians

Tawatoy or Young Chief was the Head Chief. He was known for being a great leader as well as a warrior

Weatenatemany once again also known as Young became the Head Chief. He was the nephew of Tawatoy and became the chief in the autumn of 1853. He was killed in battle in 1859 against the Snake People.

Five Crows also called Hezekiah or Achaia, was the first successor of Tauitau and his brother. He was known for being the leader of the hostile tribe of Cayuse and wanted to be chief instead of Weatenatemany’s son Tauitau.

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