The Role of Native American Drums in Indigenous Culture

Native American drums were an important instrument in most Native American Indian tribal celebrations, ceremonies, and spiritual festivals. While the native people sing and dance to the beat of the drums, they try to find a close connection with their gods or creator. The Native American drums were acknowledged as their own being and symbolize a strong relationship with their creator. To most indigenous tribes, the Native American drums contain thunder and lightning. When struck, it gets the attention of the creator and helps to connect with the spirits of the Indian’s forefathers.


Most Native American Indian tribes had a drum keeper. He was the selected person to watch over the blessed drum. The oldest son of the chosen family is usually considered as the drum keeper, and it was a great honor to be chosen as the keeper of the holy drum in the Native American culture. The Native American tribes considered the drum as a breathing and living entity. The drum was usually made from an animal or tree and the natives believed that the spirits of these trees and animals lived within the drum. They believed too that these spirits inside the drum would protect and guard them when the drum was being struck.

The Look of the Native American Drums

Native American drums differed in sizes and in some tribes, the drums were totally different and was made for various Native American traditions. All Native American drums were created using woods and animal skin. Some of the Native American drums were made from buffalo skin and some from deerskin since the materials (animal skin) used depending on the location where tribes lived. Since the drum was very sacred and important for the Native American tribes, there were a lot of sacred rituals and rules enclosing the drum.

Most Native Americans had other forms of instrument that they used. An example is the hand rattles that are very similar to the native drums in terms of honoring gods and playing beats. The Native American drums of the Northeast Indian tribes were loaded with water to give them a unique sound during their pow-wow celebrations.

Native American drums had other uses which include healing ceremonies for the Native American people. It was also used for war preparation dances as well as in festivities to honor their gods to help them get a good harvest.

Native American Drums

Handmade Native American drums can still be found in the United States particularly on Native American Indian reservations where you can also see some demonstrations of the tribal ceremonies such as the rain dance ceremony of the Native American Indians.

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