African American History Poems

African American History Poems: Different countries and communities have different kinds of literature. It has always been found that the writers who belong to a certain community have portrayed their feelings and emotions through writing. Lots of writers have even voiced against injustice as well as torture through their pens.

These people have composed poems as well as novels and short stories to fight for their cause. The literature of different countries varies according to the situation that they have faced.

African American History Poems
The literature of the colonial countries is somewhat similar because they have almost faced same situations. The African American history poems tell us about the kind of behavior they had to face in America from the white settlers.

The African American literature is that which is produced in the United States but is written by people from the African origin. African American history poems can be traced back to the 18th century when writers like Olaudah Equiano and Phillis Wheatly started writing regarding the slave system prevalent in the United States.

The authors of this community are going strong even today. Authors like Toni Morrison have even been awarded the Nobel Prize. Other than this, there are top writers who have received different kinds of acclamation from all over the world.

People who wrote poems about African American history are Maya Angelou, Gwendolyn Brooks, Countee Cullen, Rita Dove, Robert Hayden, Quincy Troupe, Alice Walker and many others. Some of these poets are living today and they are still working for this cause.

Among these poets, Gwendolyn Brooks is one of the most famous poets of African American origin. She wrote certain popular poems about African American history. Some of the popular works of this poet are The Mother, The Crazy Woman, One Wants a Teller in a Time Like this and many more.

One thing can be noticed about the poems about African American history. Lots of poems are written by women poets who also suffered the torture and injustice of the tyrants.

Phillis Wheatly who became a poet, later on, was herself purchased as a slave. At that point in time, she was only 7 years old.

Some of her popular poems written by this famous poet is An Hymn to Humanity, On Imagination, A Hymn to the Evening and On Being Brought from Africa to America. The African American history poems have reached out to the whole world.

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