Native American Beliefs and Way of Life

Culture is a word that has a lot of inter-related meanings which often describes a group of people by their beliefs, behavior, and practices. Most of the Native American beliefs and culture are practiced by most community or tribes in different locations and continues among the descendants of the Native American tribes.

Among the traditions, ceremonies, and rituals of the Native American beliefs are the Vision Quests, the strange Skinwalkers, the Thunderbird, Power Animals, and the Great Spirit also known as the Supreme Being.

Native american beliefs vision quest
Native American culture started during the Stone-Age culture where their lifestyle ranged from nomadic to the semi-nomadic tribe and semi-nomadic to the static way of life. Despite the fact that Native Americans lived in different tribes or locations, most of them shared same beliefs and culture. Native tribes lived in America for hundreds of years prior to the Europeans’ arrival but in spite of this, they were not misrepresented by both American culture and pre-historic culture. Their culture remained primitive like the used of stones for their tools and weapons.

Native American Beliefs, Religion, and Traditions

Animism was a shared belief or doctrine of the native people and some Indian tribes. It is a religion grounded in the belief that the universe and its natural objects have spirits or souls. This religion believed that spirits or souls exist also in animals, trees, plants, rocks, etc. This belief also covered the same belief on natural phenomena like thunderstorms and rains, as well as geographic features like mountains, rivers, and caves. Native tribes had no scientific explanations for nature and its existence which led them to the belief that the moon, sun, rain and other elements were controlled by souls and spirits.

Native American spiritual practices

Native Americans also worshiped animals, plants, the wind, rain, and the sun which they refer to Power Animals or Animal Spirits. They tried to gain favors from these gods on their prayers and during festivals and ceremonies. The creator of their life or their Supreme Being is believed to be the “Great Spirit”, a spiritual power which created the world.


Native American traditions and beliefs

The religion and traditions of the Native American beliefs were dominated by Shamanism, where a religious leader named Shaman (the Medicine Man) acted as the medium between the mortal world and the spiritual world. The Shamans had special powers and magic which can heal the sick, influence hunting, and predict the future.

The Native American beliefs regarding ceremonies and festivals included singing and chanting accompanied by various types of dances. These beliefs during ceremonies and festivals included Pipe Dance, Rain Dance, Deer Dance, Scalp Dance, Buffalo Dance, Basket Dance, Green Corn Dance, Dog Dance, Hoop Dance, Doll Dance, War Dance, Hopi Snake Dance, Ghost Dance and Sun Dance. Most of the mentioned dances were specific to particular Native Indian tribes.

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