The History of Chickasaw Indian Tribe

The Chickasaw Indian tribe is considered to be the second largest Indian group in the Mississippi region next to the Choctaw Indians. The History of Chickasaw Indian Tribe, Chickasaw people were living in the northern part of the Mississippi. Their settlement was centered near the headwaters of the Yazoo and the Tombigbee Rivers. This is near Tupelo in today’s geographical landscape. This was their original settlement before the United States Federal government have forced them to transfer to Indian Reservations in the 1830s.

They were also known to be conquerors of the lands that are spanning throughout the entire Tennessee region.

History of Chickasaw Indian Tribe

By the start of the 18th century, their population has plummeted to only about 2,000 to 5,000 people due to the various wars and diseases that have plagued them. Also, the substandard living condition that they were experiencing inside the Indian Reservations was also a detrimental factor to the fall of a population.

Who were the Chickasaw Indians

It is very evident that the Chickasaw Indians were similar to the culture and lifestyle of the Choctaws because they spoke a very identical language, sometimes it is hard to spot the difference between the languages that they have spoken. They also gave importance to the matrilineal focus in their society. This matrilineal focus means that they only traced their genealogy through their mother’s bloodline.

History of Chickasaw Indian Tribe
In the History of Chickasaw Indian Tribe, This shows the importance that they gave to the women in their communities, as what the Choctaws also do. Their political system was also decentralized in order to give way to the other villages to have their respective chiefs and leaders. The sun is also revered as the ultimate expression of the power that is present in nature. For them, it is what creates and sustains the life on Earth.

Chickasaw Tribe facts

It is also very important to note that the Chickasaw Indian Tribe is considered to be an unconquerable tribe. This is mainly because of the fact that they were able to fend off any type of subjugation coming from other tribes, and most especially from the Europeans. Even though they had the disadvantage of technology, they were still able to fend off every kind of subjugation attack there was.

They focused heavily on their military mastery because they only had a small population. Consider the fact that they were living a lot of rival Indian tribes and European enemies in the 18th century.

War with different Tribe Peoples

The Choctaws, the Creeks, the Cherokees, and the French were some of the people that the Chickasaws have warred with. This showed their resilience and courage without the fear of the unlikely odds that they have. Numerous observers of the time noted that the Chickasaws were considered perhaps the fiercest warriors in the entire southeast.

There were a lot of tribes and even the English and the French that treated the Chickasaws with respect because of the military wit that they had. They are renowned for being one of the fiercest warriors of all Indian tribes that existed in the southeast.

The French Louisiana governor even writes in a note in 1726 that the Chickasaw tribe breathes war and are proven to be the bravest people on the North American continent.

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